The iTunesU course that I chose was the “Stop Motion Studio Lesson Ideas“. It’s about using the Stop Motion Studio app in the classroom. It includes lessons for almost every subject and gave examples of what type of activity could be used for the class. I’ve always thought Stop Motion was a cool idea, but I never really knew how to incorporate it into the classroom or how to use it, but this book helps with that. It’s a pretty short lesson/iBook, but it’s also fairly helpful. There are 18 courses in the Apps in the Classroom courses, and I was interested in 3; “Stop Motion Studio Lesson Ideas,” “Hopscotch Lesson Ideas,” and “Explain Everything Lesson Ideas.”


After you find the course that you want to learn about, you download it onto your iBooks on your iPad. Once it’s downloaded, the course you have downloaded will pop up into your iBook collections. I really liked the course I chose, but I wish it would’ve went into a little more detail or had some more lesson ideas in it for my content area. They give one lesson idea for each content area, but I would have liked to see more ideas or some actual projects by different classes. They still provided video examples which was very helpful. I think this would be great for alternative book reports or other types of presentations. This could be an individual project or a group project.